Following pages will be included in the sitemap:
- Pregnancy
- Labour and birth
- The 3 stages of labour
- Snacks & Drinks for Labour
- Preparing and planning for the birth
- Tips for involving your partner at the birth
- Real birth stories
- Will my second labour be easier?
- Birth plan
- Your hospital bag checklist
- Pain relief in labour
- Tips for getting through labour
- Braxton Hicks contractions
- Types of birth
- What happens when I get to hospital?
- How to bring on labour
- When to go to hospital in labour
- What do I need to know about contractions?
- Birthing partners & doulas
- Early Signs of Labour
- Overdue babies in pregnancy
- I’m so nervous about the birth
- C-Sections
- The A-Z Guide to Maternity Leave for New Mums
- Diet & nutrition
- Pregnancy recipes
- Pregnancy Friendly Dessert Recipes
- No bake cheesecake
- Pecan pie
- Raisin and oat cookies
- Pregnancy breakfast recipes and ideas
- Blueberry and banana smoothie
- Breakfast burrito
- Scrambled eggs
- Snacks
- High protein granola bars
- Pregnancy lunch & dinner ideas
- Miso soup
- Chicken soup
- Veggie and chickpea mediterranean salad
- Pesto pasta salad
- Potato salad
- Salmon tray bake
- Pregnancy Meal Plan
- Pregnancy cravings
- What to eat when pregnant
- Should I be eating for two?
- Pregnancy vitamins and supplements
- Foods to avoid during pregnancy
- Vitamin K during pregnancy
- Pregnancy Due Date Calculator
- Morning sickness & pregnancy symptoms
- Abdominal pain in pregnancy
- Alcohol and pregnancy
- Antenatal classes
- Baby kicks
- Backache in pregnancy
- Gestational diabetes
- Constipation in pregnancy
- Cystitis and UTIs in pregnancy
- Dizziness in pregnancy
- Heartburn in pregnancy
- First midwife appointment
- Miscarriage
- Morning Sickness
- Pelvic pain in pregnancy
- Smoking during pregnancy
- Pregnancy weight gain
- Tiredness and fatigue
- Piles in Pregnancy - Causes and Treatment
- Pre-eclampsia
- Pregnancy Body Changes
- tests during pregnancy
- Sore breasts
- Should I bother with antenatal classes
- Swelling during pregnancy
- Spotting bleeding and discharge
- Stretch marks
- Thrush in Pregnancy
- Pregnancy Scans
- What if I have to be induced
- Mental health in pregnancy
- Exercise During Pregnancy
- Pregnancy blues and mood swings
- Second Pregnancy Tips
- Your body after your second pregnancy
- Involving your other child in your pregnancy
- Antenatal classes for dads
- Preparing your house for your baby
- I am just a bump I want me back
- Baby Essentials
- Choosing baby names
- Maternity rights
- I am not enjoying being pregnant
- Paternity leave
- I have just had my baby now I am pregnant again
- I'm worried about not being a good parent
- Travelling and holidays during pregnancy
- When do I tell my boss I am pregnant
- Will my second pregnancy be easier
- Wish I Had Known
- Your partners pregnancy emotions
- Conception
- Fertility
- Healthy eating for conception
- Ovulation
- Early signs and symptoms of pregnancy
- 1st Trimester
- 2nd Trimester
- 3rd Trimester
- Weeks
- 10-weeks-pregnant
- 14 Weeks Pregnant
- 1-4 Weeks Pregnant
- 11-weeks-pregnant
- 15 Weeks Pregnant
- 16 Weeks Pregnant
- 17 Weeks Pregnant
- 18 Weeks Pregnant
- 19 Weeks Pregnant
- 20 Weeks Pregnant
- 21 Weeks Pregnant
- 22 Weeks Pregnant
- 23 Weeks Pregnant
- 24 Weeks Pregnant
- 25 Weeks Pregnant
- 26 Weeks Pregnant
- 27 Weeks Pregnant
- 28 Weeks Pregnant
- 12-weeks-pregnant
- 13-weeks-pregnant
- 29 Weeks Pregnant
- 30 Weeks Pregnant
- 31 Weeks Pregnant
- 32 Weeks Pregnant
- 33 Weeks Pregnant
- 34 Weeks Pregnant
- 35 Weeks Pregnant
- 36 Weeks Pregnant
- 37 Weeks Pregnant
- 38 Weeks Pregnant
- 39 Weeks Pregnant
- 40 Weeks Pregnant
- 5 Weeks Pregnant
- 6 Weeks Pregnant
- 7 Weeks Pregnant
- 8 Weeks Pregnant
- 9 Weeks Pregnant
- Labour & Birth
- Snacks and drinks for labour
- Your hospital bag checklist
- Baby
- Baby Symptom Checker
- Premature babies
- Premature babies
- What happens if you have a premature baby?
- When will your premature baby be ready to go home?
- Feeding your premature baby
- Taking care of you premature baby at home
- Helping with a premature baby
- New mum
- Post-pregnancy nutrition
- Advice for new mums
- I want some me-time
- How can I get back into shape after having a baby?
- I'm desperate for more sleep
- Your body after birth
- My partner feels like he's not number 1
- Stitches after birth
- Looking after the rest of the family
- Postnatal Depression & the Baby Blues
- The baby blues
- Will I love my second baby as much as my first?
- Your partner after giving birth
- Your baby’s health
- Recognising crying
- Constipation in babies and newborns
- Baby poo guide: colour and texture differences
- Winding your baby
- Identifying baby cries
- Immunisation
- Nappy rash
- Teething
- Baby Symptom Checker
- Your baby’s routine
- Establishing a bedtime routine
- Sharing the workload of a new baby
- Establishing your newborn’s routine
- Holding your baby
- How to bathe your baby
- Establishing a baby routine
- How to change a nappy
- Baby routine on holiday
- Baby feeding & nutrition
- Colic
- Baby Weight
- Bringing back milk after a feed
- Is my baby getting enough milk?
- Night feeds
- Bottle-feeding
- Bottle-feeding in hospital
- How Much and How Often Should I Bottle-Feed My Baby?
- Helping with bottle-feeding
- How to prepare a bottle-feed
- How do I sterilise my baby's bottle?
- How can dads help with bottle-feeding?
- How do I combine breast and bottle?
- How to store baby milk
- How do I switch from breast to bottle?
- Preparing formula without tap water
- Bottle-feeding equipment
- Breastfeeding
- Breastfeeding problems and solutions
- Does my diet affect my milk?
- Do I need contraception when breastfeeding
- Breastfeeding tips
- Expressing and storing breast milk
- Breastfeeding routines
- My baby’s still hungry after a milk feed
- Benefits of breastfeeding
- Reflux: Signs, symptoms and how to help
- Support tiny tummies
- Baby Feeding - Breastfeeding vs Bottle-feeding - C&G baby club
- Weaning
- 5 Step Weaning Plan
- Baby-led weaning
- Fussy eaters
- Foods to include and avoid
- How to prepare, store and reheat baby food
- How to start weaning
- Weaning at around 6 months
- Weaning at around 7+ months: New foods, textures and flavours
- Weaning at around 10+ months: A healthy, balanced diet
- Baby Food Recipes
- Baby weaning recipes: Around 10+ months
- Baby Weaning Recipes 6+ Months
- Baby Weaning Recipes 7+ Months
- Vegan vegetarian weaning
- Dropping milk feeds
- Feeding problems and allergies
- Baby Allergens
- Cow’s milk allergy & lactose intolerance
- Spotting baby allergies and intolerances
- Common baby feeding worries
- Your feeding problem questions answered
- Changing infant formula
- My baby's development stage by stage
- 0 - 3 months
- 0-3 Months bonding with your baby
- Feeding your baby at 0 - 3 months - C&G baby club
- Massaging your baby at 0 - 3 months - C&G baby club
- What Your Baby's Doing at 0 - 3 Months - C&G baby club
- What Your Baby's Saying at 0 - 3 Months - C&G baby club
- Your growing baby at 0 - 3 months
- Your Baby's Bones at 0 - 3 Months - C&G baby club
- Your Baby's Brain at 0 - 3 Months - C&G baby club
- Your Baby's Digestion at 0 - 3 Months - C&G baby club
- Your growing baby at 0 - 3 months - C&G baby club
- Month 10-12
- 10-12 Months feeding your baby
- What your babys doing at 10-12 months
- What your babys doing at 10 - 12 months - C&G baby club
- What your baby's saying at 10 - 12 months - C&G baby club
- What your baby's seeing at 10 - 12 months - C&G baby club
- Your babys bones at 10 - 12 months - C&G baby club
- Your baby's brain at 10 - 12 months - C&G baby club
- Your baby’s emotional and brain development from 10-12 months - C&G baby club
- Your baby's digestion at 10 - 12 months
- Your baby's first word from 7-9 months
- Your baby's physical development 10-12 months
- Your growing baby at 10 - 12 months
- Your baby 4-6 months
- 4-6 Months feeding your baby
- What your baby's doing at 4 - 6 months
- What your baby's saying at 4 - 6 months
- What your baby's seeing at 4-6 months
- Your baby's bones at 4 - 6 months
- Your baby's brain at 4 - 6 months
- Your baby's digestion at 4-6 months
- Your baby's hand eye coordination
- Your growing baby at 4-6 months
- Your baby 7-9 months
- 7-9 Months feeding your baby
- What your baby's doing at 7 - 9 months - C&G baby club
- What your baby’s seeing at 7 - 9 months
- Your baby's bones at 7 - 9 months - C&G baby club
- Your baby's brain at 7 - 9 months - C&G baby club
- Your baby’s digestion at 7 - 9 months
- Your growing baby at 7 - 9 months
- What your baby's saying at 7-9 months
- Toddler
- Your toddler's development
- Dealing with separation issues
- Toddler Tantrums
- Developing toddler motor skills
- Encouraging your toddler to talk listen
- Going back to work
- Helping your toddler walk
- Learning to share
- Potty training
- Potty training boys
- Potty training girls
- Reading to your 1 year old
- Taking my toddler abroad
- Teaching your toddler to accept no
- Terrible twos
- Toddler biting and kicking
- Toddler development stages
- Toddler proofing your home
- Toddler sleeping problems
- Toddler feeding & nutrition
- 12-18 Months feeding your baby
- A balanced diet for toddlers
- Adding variety to your toddlers diet
- Fussy Eaters
- Healthy snacks and finger foods
- My babys weaning stage 4-12 plus months
- My toddler has gone off milk
- Practical information and tips for mealtimes
- Healthy eating for toddlers
- Teaching your toddler to eat by themselves
- Teaching your toddler to feed themselves
- Tips for fussy eaters
- Toddler party food first birthday
- Toddler party food second birthday
- Toddler taste buds
- Top iron rich foods
- Toddler health & important vitamins
- Importance of iron for toddlers
- The importance of calcium and toddlers
- The importance of iron 2-3 years
- The importance of omega3 and 6 for toddlers
- The importance of vitamin A and toddlers
- The importance of vitamin C and toddlers
- Toddler teething
- Vitamin D
- Years
- 1-2 Years
- What your toddlers seeing at 12 - 18 months
- What your toddlers doing at 12-18 months
- What your toddlers saying at 12 - 18 months
- Your growing toddler at 12 - 18 months
- Your toddlers bones at 12 - 18 months
- Your toddler’s brain at 12 - 18 months
- Your toddlers brain development 1-2 years
- Your toddler’s digestion at 12 - 18 months
- 2-3 Years
- Your toddlers brain development 2-3 years
- Dads and Partners
- Dads & partners
- "Us" time for parents
- Bringing your baby home from the hospital
- New parent survival kit for dads & partners
- How your life will change when you have a baby
- Labour - A Partner’s Perspective
- Staying fit and healthy during parenthood
- Sex and relationships after birth
- Postnatal depression in dads partners
- Supporting your partner during labour
- Partner mood swings during pregnancy
- Shared parental leave
- Products
- Milks
- First Infant Milk
- Cow & Gate Ready To Feed First Infant Milk 200ml
- First Infant Milk - Big Pack 2x600g
- Cow & Gate First Infant Milk Ready to Feed 4x200ml
- Formula Milk 800g
- Cow & Gate First Infant Milk Powder 600g
- First Infant Milk - 1l
- First Infant Milk - 6x70ml
- First Infant Milk - 6x200ml
- 6-12 Months Baby Milk
- Follow-on Milk - 200ml
- Follow-on Milk - Big Pack 2x600g
- Follow-on Milk - 4x200ml
- Follow-on Milk - 800g
- Follow-on Milk - 6x200ml
- Follow-on Milk - Powder 600g
- Toddler milks 1-2 years
- Toddler Milk from 1 year, Ready to Drink 1L
- Stage 3 Toddler Milk Ready to Drink 200ml
- Stage 3 Toddler Milk Powder 700g
- 800g Powder | 2-3 Years
- 800g Powder | 2-3 Years
- Reflux and Colic Milks
- Cow & Gate Anti Reflux Powder 800g
- Cow & Gate™ Comfort Milk 800g
- Instant Carobel
- Growing up milk 2-3 year
- Growing up milk 2-3 year - 1L
- Growing up milk 2-3 year - 800g
- Hungry First infant milk
- Hungrier baby milk - 800g
- Pre term or low birthweight milks
- Nutriprem 1 - 70ml
- Nutriprem 2 - 200ml
- Nutriprem 2 - 90ml
- Nutriprem Hydrolysed - 90ml
- Nutriprem Protein- 50x1g
- Nutriprem Fortifier - 50x2.2g
- Nutriprem 2 - 800g
- Ready to drink milks
- Ready to drink milks
- Foods
- From 4 months+
- Apple and Banana baby pouch
- Apple , Pear, Banana and Apricot baby pouch
- Apple, Mango, Orange and Carrot baby pouch
- Banana, Apple, Strawberry and Kiwi baby pouch
- Forest Fruit Smoothie baby pouch
- Pear, Carrot, Prune and Beetroot baby pouch
- Carrot baby food jar
- Green Peas baby food jar
- Cauliflower baby food jar
- Pumpkin Rice baby food jar
- Banana Porridge
- Creamy Porridge
- Baby Rice
- From 6 months+
- Apple, Strawberry, Banana Baby Food Pots 6 months+ Weaning
- Apple, Peach, Strawberry Baby Fruit Pots 6 Months+ Weaning
- Apple, Orange, Acerola Baby Fruit Pots 6 Months + Weaning
- Apple and Banana with coconut milk Baby Fruit Pots 6 Months + Weaning
- Apple and Mango with coconut milk Baby Fruit Pots 6 Months + Weaning
- Fruity Wholegrain Porridge
- From 7 months+
- Red Berry Wholegrain Porridge with Spelt
- Banana Wholegrain Porridge with Buckwheat
- From 8 months+
- Baby Spaghetti Bolognese Baby Food Jar 8 Months + 200g Weaning
- Tomato, Beef & Potatos Baby Food Jars 8 Months + Weaning 200g
- Carrots, Chicken & Potatoes Baby Food Jar 8 Months + Weaning 200g
- Tomato, Ham & Pasta Baby Food Jar 8 Months+ 200g Weaning
- Pumpkin Chicken Rice Baby Food Jar 8 Months+ 200g Weaning
- From 12 months+
- Baby Spaghetti Bolognese Toddler Meal 12 Months+ Weaning
- Ratatouille, Bulgur & Chicken Toddler Meal 12 Months + Weaning
- Sweet Potato, Veggies & Chicken Toddler Meal 12 Months + Weaning
- Lemon, Chicken & Vegetable Toddler Meal 12 Months + Weaning
- Childcare support
- Is Cow and Gate halal?
- Quality Control
- Sustainability and quality
- How to prepare formula milk
- User generated content terms and conditions
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- Baby
- Baby feeding & nutrition
- Your baby’s health
- New mum
- Your baby’s routine
- Premature babies
- Pregnancy
- Mental health in pregnancy
- Labour and birth
- Conception
- Morning sickness & pregnancy symptoms
- Diet & nutrition
- Toddler
- Your toddler's development
- Toddler feeding & nutrition
- Toddler health & important vitamins
- 404 Page not found
- Register Babyshow
- For healthcare professionals
- Hungry babies
- Infant weaning: How and when to start
- Toddler nutrition