Should I bother with antenatal classes?

Antenatal classes in your second pregnancy

It’s true that you’ll have learnt an awful lot the first time you were pregnant but antenatal classes are still worth attending.

Always learning

Attending antenatal classes in your second or subsequent pregnancy when you know a little more about what to expect and aren’t quite so nervous about everything, means you’ll be able to absorb a lot more information. Lots of couples say they were amazed at how much more they picked up the second time around. And if it’s been a little while since your first pregnancy, there may be some things you’ll have forgotten. Now’s your chance to refresh your memory!

pregnancy course

Time to get excited

When you’re rushed off your feet looking after the rest of the family, there’s not always time to look forward to what’s coming. And if you feel like you’ve been there, done that, being pregnant again might not be quite so exciting. Antenatal classes give you and your partner some quality time together and allow both of you to plan for your new arrival. You may well feel confident enough to try a different kind of birth this time, or perhaps a different type of pain relief, classes are the perfect chance to explore your options.

Meet other mums

It’s always nice to meet other mums – especially those who are going through the new experience of having another child. Sharing advice over a coffee, or just having a good old natter over the phone is a great way to unwind. You’ll be busier than ever before with two or more babies to look after, so any friends you can make who can help you out (and vice versa) will be invaluable! And with babies growing so quickly, lots of mums are happy to swap clothes and toys with friends who could use them, rather than see them go to a stranger. Your antenatal classes open the door to a strong network of supportive mums and friends. Plus, our Facebook page can help you find mums who are in the same situation as you.


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