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Can I get pregnant when I’m breastfeeding?
The answer to this is yes. It’s true that breastfeeding can act as natural birth control because the hormones that make milk prevent your ovaries from releasing eggs. And that’s also the reason many mums don’t have periods while they’re breastfeeding. However, it’s not fool proof so you still need to use some form of contraception.
Don't assume that just because your periods haven’t started again you can’t get pregnant. You’re fertile up to two weeks before your first period and as you don’t get advance warning of when your periods are going to start again, it’s best to take precautions.
Is it safe to use contraception when breastfeeding?
You can safely use almost every method of contraception while you are breastfeeding. The only exception is the combined pill, as this can affect your milk flow. If you are worried, you can talk to your GP or health visitor.
Who can I ask about methods of contraception?
Around six to eight weeks after your baby is born you’ll have a check-up with your doctor. This is a good opportunity to ask any questions you may have about contraception. If you can’t wait until then, your midwife or health visitor will be happy to give you advice. You can also visit your local family planning clinic.
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