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Pregnancy calendar - Week 34
Your baby’s development
You're 34 weeks pregnant and there's not long to go now! With only about six or so weeks left on the clock, your growing baby measures around 45cm and weighs about 4lb 6oz. Their skin is really starting to thicken with a layer of fat stored beneath for insulation and nourishment. Antibodies to provide immunity against disease are continuing to be received from you, strengthening and preparing them for life outside the womb.

You & your body
Sleep – or lack of it – might start to become more of an issue around now, as you face cramps, joint pain, heartburn and a need to wee regularly.
To get some much-needed sleep, start by sleeping on your left hand side, which can (among other things) improve your circulation, digestion, kidney and liver function. It’s best to avoid sleeping on your back from now on – it can result in palpitations and even low blood pressure.
One of the most comfortable ways to lie is to bend your knees slightly and position pillows to lend some support to your lower back, tummy, hips and joints.
Night-time trips to the toilet will become a feature of life for the next few months – so reduce your drinking before bed, but make up for it during the day. Always take a loo trip just before you snuggle down, and try to make sure you empty your bladder completely.
Did you know?
At this stage of pregnancy, all babies’ eyes are blue. Babies’ eyes need to be exposed to light for several weeks to allow the colouring process (called pigmentation) in the iris to complete – and this may keep them blue or change their colour!
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