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Pregnancy calendar - Week 15
Your baby’s development
You're 15 weeks pregnant and as you both continue to grow, your baby now measures about 12cm. Bones are beginning to harden and fine downy hair called lanugo is starting to appear on their skin (which is still very thin and transparent). Your baby now has tastebuds and is starting to make different facial expressions as facial muscles develop and eyebrows form – all of which makes them look more baby-like. Your baby is busy inhaling and exhaling amniotic fluid which helps their lungs develop. Their legs are growing longer than their arms and, in anticipation for all those kicks later in your pregnancy, your baby can move all of their joints!

You & your body
At 15 weeks you might find that you’re salivating more and you may have a stuffy nose. This is all down to those pregnancy hormonal changes and is quite normal at this stage. You’re also more likely to pick up colds during your pregnancy as your immune system is having to cope with looking after your baby as well as you! If you do get poorly and want to take something, be sure to check the labels on any medication as some aren’t safe to take during pregnancy. If in doubt, the best thing to do is ask your midwife.
Did you know?
Lots of mums-to-be feel as if their memory isn’t as sharp as usual and your concentration span might not be as good either. Some research says it may be due to your brain changing size while you’re expecting, but it may be the simple fact of having a lot on your mind about the future or just nature’s way of slowing you down!
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